This blog is designed to help us keep a journal of our falconry events. Gun is a Tercel Anatum Peregrine Falcon which is being trained by Dal McBride and was bred by Eric Steinhauer. These birds of prey are the fastest living things and can reach speeds of up to somewhere between 200 and 300 mph.

Check out the sequential images, videos, friends, and other bird pic pages located to the right side of the screen. I will be sure to keep these pictures and videos coming! (All images © Darvil B. McBride)


We pulled a couple of Eyass Prairie Falcons from one clutch of 4. The other
aerie had only one, so we let it be.  Thanks Mike and Eric.

This is Eric's dog swimming after some coots. What a great hunting dog.

This is Volt. A Jack Merlin that I am flying right now.

McTwis is a Tercel Peregrine/Gyr Hybrid trained by Eric Steinhauer. What a beautiful Falcon.

"Get this feather off-a-me."